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           Our Portfolio of applications


Advanced Analytics

At Inferential, we understand the growing demand from businesses and organizations to address the new challenges of the industry with better technological and conceptual tools.


That is why we have designed a strategic portfolio of Advanced Analytics solutions that support companies and organizations to get the most out of their data, no matter how large the volume of their information is, we use systems and models to the measure of their capabilities and specific needs.


Our support usually begins with the definition of data collection and processing needs based on strategic objectives. It continues with the transformation and adaptation of its data and the generation of advanced analytics models that best fit the use case. You can continue with a phase of generating visualizations and reports (manual or automated) that allow you to interpret the results; for example integration of information viewers or Business Intelligence (BI) Platforms.  Ending with the production and implementation of the models, delivery of results with interpretations and value-added findings.


Below we list our Core solutions in advanced analytics applied to the main needs of companies and organizations. It should be noted that our capabilities and services are not limited to these cases.

The most powerful Applied Statistics tools at your service.

The applications in Advanced Analytics are practically unlimited. For more information on how we can help you, contact one of our advisors.

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Predictive Models

This modeling allows you to identify patterns, trends (linear or nonlinear) and understand the relationship between causal and resulting. In turn, these models allow high-value Predictive and Descriptive post-applications (interpolated or extrapolated).


Churn Rate Analysis

Analytics based on the Customer Cancellation Rate, a metric of the number of customers or subscribers who start or abandon a company's services over time. Allows you to detect profiles  of defecting clients and generate strategies to avoid loss or cushion them.


Factors and Clusters

Used to analyze consumer buying behavior, identify consumption patterns, anchor products, sensitivities and effectiveness of commercial initiatives (eg Promotions). It allows generating customer groups, points of sale, ideal portfolio, suggestions, etc.


Customer Love Index

As a multivariate statistical evolution of traditional Brand Love indicators, it not only measures customer loyalty. It also identifies correlations in explanatory variables of the relationship with the company or brand. It allows you to identify actionable actions and strategies, differentiated and more effective.



Key to marketing strategy, it consists of dividing or stratifying clients or markets into homogeneous and sometimes multivariate subgroups. It allows specialized (segmented) treatment according to relevant characteristics and variables to enhance commercial strategies.


Outliers Detection

Based on statistical Control models to identify trends and atypical points, these models allow generating alerts or early detection to real opportunities in commercial or industrial processes. They isolate the noise of natural variation and prioritize significant cases.

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